

تقول دراسة أميركية إن الوضعية التي يتبعها مستخدمو الهواتف الذكية أثناء قراءة الرسائل الإلكترونية وكتابتها، والتي تشمل إمالة العنق للأمام والأسفل، قد تؤدي إلى مضاعفات صحية خطيرة تصل لتآكل فقرات العنق والحاجة للجراحة وأمراض القلب. ويبلغ وزن رأس الإنسان قرابة خمسة ..... التتمة
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    [New announcement] Securing Edge Data at the Center

    IT Specialist Network White Paper and Webinar Series

    Eliminate the risk of managing data in remote and high-risk locations.

    Nobody can afford to lose data. But managing data, including backup and availability, in far-flung locations can present many logistical and technological challenges that bring complexity, expense, and risk. It doesn't have to be that way, though.

    A new branch converged infrastructure approach allows organizations to project virtual servers and data to remote offices, providing for local access and performance while storing the data in centralized data centers. Enterprises can now do business across the globe in any location without putting data at risk.

    Download this informative report or data risk management:


    Have a great week!
    IT Specialist Enterprise Network
    Announcement in IT Specialist Enterprise Network
    Securing Edge Data at the Center
    Charles Chenevert
    Media Manager at IT Specialist Network
    IT Specialist Network White Paper and Webinar Series

    Eliminate the risk of managing data in remote and high-risk locations.

    Nobody can afford to lose data. But managing data, including backup and availability, in far-flung locations can present many logistical and technological challenges that bring complexity, expense, and risk. It doesn't have to be that way, though.

    A new branch converged infrastructure approach allows organizations to project virtual servers and data to remote offices, providing for local access and performance while storing the data in centralized data centers. Enterprises can now do business across the globe in any location without putting data at risk.

    Download this informative report or data risk management:


    Have a great week!
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    This email was intended for Ibraheem Masri (Senior Software Engineer at Mobilink). Learn why we included this.
    If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
    © 2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

    [New announcement] Inside Windows 8.1 - Microsoft's Newest Operating System Update

    IT Specialist Network White Paper and Webinar Series

    A look into the ever-evolving world of Windows 8.1 for everyday users.

    You may be reading this guide because you just purchased a new computer and found that your Windows Operating System (OS) looks different from the way it used to. Or perhaps you are just curious about the changes to Windows 8.1 and are wondering whether you should upgrade your own system.

    Regardless of the reasons, you have come to the right place. The purpose of this guide is to give everyday users a look into the ever-evolving world of Windows 8.1 and provide a clear understanding of Microsoft's upgrades to their new OS.

    Download this hot new guide to Windows 8.1!


    Have a great week!
    IT Specialist Operating Systems Group
    Announcement in IT Specialist Operating Systems Group
    Inside Windows 8.1 - Microsoft's Newest Operating System Update
    Charles Chenevert
    Media Manager at IT Specialist Network
    IT Specialist Network White Paper and Webinar Series

    A look into the ever-evolving world of Windows 8.1 for everyday users.

    You may be reading this guide because you just purchased a new computer and found that your Windows Operating System (OS) looks different from the way it used to. Or perhaps you are just curious about the changes to Windows 8.1 and are wondering whether you should upgrade your own system.

    Regardless of the reasons, you have come to the right place. The purpose of this guide is to give everyday users a look into the ever-evolving world of Windows 8.1 and provide a clear understanding of Microsoft's upgrades to their new OS.

    Download this hot new guide to Windows 8.1!


    Have a great week!
    Respond Now
    Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubscribe here
    This email was intended for Ibraheem Masri (Senior Software Engineer at Mobilink). Learn why we included this.
    If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
    © 2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland


    [New announcement] Perfect Forward Secrecy – The Next Step in Data Security

    IT Specialist Network White Paper and Webinar Series

    Greetings all,

    With recent increased privacy concerns and computers becoming more powerful, the chance of hackers being able to crack smaller-sized RSA keys increases.

    That's why Symantec is continuing to innovate with Perfect Forward Secrecy—SSL certificates that feature ECC. Elliptic Curve Cryptography allows increased performance and protection with shorter key lengths to bring greater confidence to you and your customers.

    Download this in-depth paper on advanced SSL certificates here:


    Have a great week!
    IT Specialist Enterprise Network
    Announcement in IT Specialist Enterprise Network
    Perfect Forward Secrecy – The Next Step in Data Security
    Charles Chenevert
    Media Manager at IT Specialist Network
    IT Specialist Network White Paper and Webinar Series

    Greetings all,

    With recent increased privacy concerns and computers becoming more powerful, the chance of hackers being able to crack smaller-sized RSA keys increases.

    That's why Symantec is continuing to innovate with Perfect Forward Secrecy—SSL certificates that feature ECC. Elliptic Curve Cryptography allows increased performance and protection with shorter key lengths to bring greater confidence to you and your customers.

    Download this in-depth paper on advanced SSL certificates here:


    Have a great week!
    Respond Now
    Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubscribe here
    This email was intended for Ibraheem Masri (Senior Software Engineer at Mobilink). Learn why we included this.
    If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
    © 2014 LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland